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2022 Compliance and Ethics Training Event: Game On!

This year's event was one for the books. We would like to thank our attendees for their participation, especially our multi-year and unaffiliated attendees. Thank you for choosing Mid South and taking the time to learn with us. We would also like to thank our incredible dedicated employee partners for their attendance as well - it means the world to us that you value learning more about how to treat our patients and better our company as a whole. Charlean and the compliance team would also like to thank our staff at the Employee Support Center and our Regional Clinical Directors for taking part and planning this event from a logistics perspective - we couldn't do it without you guys!

This year's speakers were Mark McDavid, OTR, RAC-CT, CHC, who is president of Seagrove Rehab Partners and is an experienced leader with a proven track record of dynamically growing rehab operations for long-term care providers and rehab agencies. As national speaker, Mark has become a sought-after source on regulatory compliance, MDS, MPPR, PDPM, manual medical review, and clinical documentation. Mark’s knowledge and its application to business strategies has earned national recognition, including appointment to AANAC’s Expert Advisory Panel and two terms as board member-at-large for the National Association of Rehabilitation Providers and Agencies, where he currently leads the SNF special interest group. This year's event also featured Leigh Ann Frick, PT/MBA, RAC-CT, PNAP, who is President of Care Navigation Consulting and is a successful contributor and presenter at both the state and national levels on operational and clinical/regulatory topics including PDPM, MDS, documentation/coding, operational strategies, and clinical program development. She has been highly active in the trade associations, NASL (National Association for the Support of Long-Term Care) and NARA (National Association of rehabilitation and Providers, currently serving on the NARA Awards and Nominations Committee, has been a member of the APTA since 1993, is a member of AANAC currently serving as Secretary on the Foundation Board and is currently the Chair of the Ohio University School of Physical Therapy Alumni board. We were thrilled to have such intelligent, well-rounded professionals as speakers for this year's event.

We would also like to thank the Clyde Muse Center, our wonderful venue, and Alpha Lit Jackson, our decor vendor.

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