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Director of Rehab Training: Charting the Course 2021


On Tuesday, July 27th, 2021, Mid South Rehab Services hosted our annual Director of Rehab Training Conference: Charting the Course, at the Country Club of Jackson. We were absolutely thrilled to see the faces of our Directors of Rehab, Regional Clinical Directors, and Employee Support Center crew all in one place. This event was held virtually last year, and we certainly enjoyed the chance to gather together to look at the coming changes in the therapy industry and learn from the past year's experiences.

We began the morning with a come-and-go breakfast and coffee provided by Country Club of Jackson. Mr. Steven Cole, President & CEO, began the event with a very personal, reassuring message about his faith and commitment to the company. Lee Catherine Hodges, Marketing & Graphic Design, shared a new way to request marketing materials and encouraged Directors of Rehab to attend Gather, Mid South's weekly prayer and devotion time. Our Marketing and New Business Developer, Sarah Thomas, shared inspiration to our therapists and entertained us with her unique insights as the first female referee in the NFL. Next, Director of IT, Keith Levine, shared a variety of important topics regarding information technology and security. His plans to streamline getting help and fixing problems for therapists is sure to be beneficial in the near future! After Keith's presentation, we took a break and drew our first door prize winner, Taylor Weber-Brandon of The Village at Primacy Place. All door prize winners received a free set of Mid South scrubs!

After the break, our therapists broke out into facility type groups to attend their breakout sessions of finance, compliance, and clinical operations. These breakout sessions are highly specific and allow the heads of these departments to go into more specific detail than if they were to address the company as a whole on these topics.

After one breakout session, we took a break for lunch, which was prepared and served by Country Club of Jackson. We enjoyed a summer salad, chicken entree, and a delicious skillet cookie for dessert. Our wonderful lunch speaker was Dan Ridley, an incredible encourager and speaker on Godly leadership and success in companies. Dan did an incredible job reminding us of the power of a thoughtful, kind word, an enjoyable gift, and the Word of God. Thank you so much for coming and sharing the Word of God with us, Dan!

We went to work again after our lunch break with therapists attending back to back breakout sessions. After those meetings, we reconvened in the ballroom for a quick cookie break as we heard from our new Vice President of Human Resources, Scott Stinson. Scott has a wonderful history with Mid South, having been our Director of HR years ago. We are so thankful to have him back with us as he leads our growing Human Resources department so wisely and kindly. Directors of Rehab also were able to hear from Senior Recruiter, Shelly Aaron, as she shared her personal appreciation for the work our therapists do.

Next, our therapists grouped themselves according to region to participate in the Regional Challenge. It was a tumultuous battle to see who could answer questions from the day's lectures the most quickly and accurately! Congratulations to our Tennessee Region on winning that challenge!

Next, we announced the winners of Facility of Excellence, a special award given to facilities that perform well in every category and aspect of the business. Our hospital category winner was Field Health System of Centreville, MS (South MS Karen); SNF category winner was The Arbor of Ridgeland, MS (Central MS Kim); ILF category winner was Brookdale Clinton of Clinton, MS (Central MS Kim.) We are so proud of these incredible facilities as they truly exemplify what Mid South has always been committed to achieving. The decision on who wins Facility of Excellence is always a challenge for our senior leaders as so many facilities truly blow us away with their outcomes and customer service. We are so thankful for our incredible strategic partners, Directors of Rehab, and Regional Clinical Directors for all they do to truly make this company a success.

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