We are thrilled to announce the hiring of a full-time speech language pathologist, Raeanna Reynolds, SLP for Pearl River County Hospital and Collins VA. We know that Raeanna is prepared to help address the speech language needs of your facility and surrounding community, and we cannot wait to see her patients’ recovery journeys.
Raeanna has an impressive, well-rounded background in her field, beginning with a solid education foundation. She received her undergraduate degree from the University of Mississippi, and she went on to obtain her Masters of Science in Communicative Disorders from The University of Mississippi, as well.
In addition to her duties as an SLP, Raeanna especially enjoys working with patients on cognition, swallowing, and working with the geriatric population in general. She hopes to become VitalStim certified in the near future. Raeanna and her husband recently moved to the Hattiesburg area and are looking forward to being part of the Mid South family!
