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Mission Trip Haiti 2016

Hello All,

Last week Mark Buckley, Rachel Skelton, and myself were blessed to have Mid South sponsor and send us on a Mission Trip to Haiti with But God Ministries. The experience was life changing, and if I am honest I have been struggling since I got home to find the right words to express my heart and feelings over this amazing experience. I will start off by saying, this trip has blessed me beyond measure and I pray that my sharing this with you will bless you as well. I look forward to future mission opportunities in my life where my actions allow me to be the hands and feet of Christ.

Following that I would be remiss if I didn’t take this opportunity to give my most sincere “Thank You!” to Mr. Steven Cole for providing me with this experience. I have had a little voice in my head for a few years now telling me that a mission trip might be amazing for me; however, I always let the other little voice in my head remind me how busy I am, or how dangerous it might be. Mickie West, one of the missionaries who lives permanently in Haiti, said it best, “When God wants you to do something, get out of his way and let him show you how it’s done.”

Here is an overview of our trip and a few pictures:

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