It's great to meet you! I'm Lee Catherine Collins, the new associate of marketing and graphic design for Mid South Rehab Services, Inc. My job at Mid South is truly a dream come true for me, and I wanted to share with you my testimony in how God was faithful to provide all I needed.
If I close my eyes and picture that old brown piano with the creaky, wooden bench, I can hear my mother’s voice singing. It’s just her and the piano, no background noise because we are in an old farmhouse in Marvell, Arkansas, surrounded by family and farmland. She sings, “Great is Thy Faithfulness” in a way that always stood out to me. Over the years, when that song plays, she and I just look at each other and smile.
Four short years ago, I embarked on a journey through college. Leaving home hurt me - it hurt to miss moments with my parents and siblings, who I adore. But, I saw God open a door at the University of Mississippi, and I went, not knowing how I’d make it or what I would even be doing.
God was with me in Oxford. Prayers from my parents and loved ones got me through one of the loneliest seasons of my life. During freshman year, I wondered if Ole Miss was even where I belonged. I did not have a major, did not even know why I needed to be at OIe Miss.
God gave me a friend, a precious, random roommate who I loved. She made Ole Miss more fun. God gave me a beautiful place to live sophomore year after I decided I was going to see this through - I would graduate from Ole Miss. God gave me more roommates to love. He gave me a friend at work, friends in my classes. In the years that followed, I had a little family at Ole Miss, and I had the time of my life.
I found my calling in storytelling. I learned and developed skills in every aspect of how to tell one - writing, photography, graphic design. God gave me a professor - a mentor and friend all in one. She believed in me, and she is why I get to call myself a designer.
My fear began to creep back up when it came time to graduate. Fear of the unknown, finding a job and a new place to belong after I had just fallen in love with Ole Miss seemed daunting. But, I had finally learned my lesson. I put that fear away, cast it out, and I rested in the peace of God’s unfailing provision.
I applied for a job posting online that sounded like a dream - like exactly what I felt called and prepared to do. I applied early, and I was afraid I would be passed over because I had a few months left until I graduated in May. In hindsight, I should have known that nothing would come between me and the plan God had for me. My job at Mid South is my dream come true. It is my long-awaited answered prayer. Finding a company that needed my skills and valued my heart blew my mind. It proved God’s provision to me yet once more.
God carried me through those bad days freshman year and brought me through it all. He stood in the fire beside me. When what is in front of you seems scary and uncertain, I challenge you to look back and remember when God was faithful.
There is a line in that hymn, “Great is Thy Faithfulness,” that reads, “All I have needed Thy hand hath provided.” That line will always stop me in my tracks. Along the way, He has been faithful to provide for my every need, and He exceeds my expectations every single time.
I am so thankful for the opportunity to serve this company and to share your stories.
Here are just a few of the very important people who walked with me all this time.